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Build Hope, Not Walls project

In a time when hope is thankfully the one of the few things that can't be taken from us, I'm excited to be part of this project organized by Nick Ramos. I can't wait to see what the work will look like when everyone's pieces are installed.


Friday, October 13: 12 Noon – 5 PM Saturday, October 14: 10 AM – 6 PM Sunday, October 15: 11 AM – 5 PM

To learn more about the project, feel free to visit

Photo by George Brainard

As a Latino who grew up a few blocks from the Mexican border, and as the child of a Mexican immigrant, I find it hard to fathom how my own birth country, which purports to be a melting pot, would even consider such a hurtful and racist symbol of divide against any culture. It sadly adds to the narrative that people of color are not valued on the same level for their contributions to society, and I am participating in this project to directly put forward my skills as an art professional to counter that very narrative.

Como Latino que creció a pocas cuadras de la frontera Mexicana, y como hijo de una inmigrante Mexicana, me cuesta imaginar cómo mi propio país natal, que pretende ser un crisol, podría considerar a un símbolo tan hiriente y racista contra cualquier cultura. Lamentablemente, este muro agrega a una narrativa que dice las personas de color no son valorados en el mismo nivel, por sus contribuciones a la sociedad. Estoy participando en este proyecto para usar, directamente, mis habilidades como artista profesional para contrarrestar esa misma narrativa. #Buildhopenotwalls, #borderwall, #artforrefugees,#artforimmigrants

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