Over the summer I had the opportunity to collaborate on a project with good friend and former Los Outsiders member, Jaime Salvador Castillo on a project for The Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, based in Salt Lake City. The work, titled whereABOUTS, is a traveling social practice installation that we developed for the inside for their Art Truck. The work is comprised of several altered maps of the areas the truck will travel to in the state over the course of a year. At each stop, students will take a tour of the installation and create maps of their own which reflect the places that are important to them and define their sphere of existence. Their maps are then added to the installation and rotated out over the course of the truck's journey. Next summer we will take all the maps and create an installation at the museum. Thanks to Elly Baldwin and Jared Steffensen for this amazing opportunity!
The educational materials for the project can be found here.