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Julia Barbosa Landois

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Babel. 2016

Music Video. 3:44 minutes


Where in History/ Donde en la HIstoria, 2018

archival digital print on cotton paper


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Vocabulary Test, 2017
water-based ink on paper, 20 x 20

From the artist's site:


Julia Barbosa Landois (b. San Antonio, USA) is a performance, installation, and video artist based in Houston, TX. Her work has been featured in galleries, museums and performance festivals in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. Her awards include grants from Artpace, Artist Foundation of San Antonio, and the National Association of Latino Arts & Cultures (NALAC). She has completed residencies at Lawndale Art Center, Santa Fe Art InstituteLademoen Kunstnerverksteder (Norway), and Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Germany). In addition to being a studio artist, Barbosa Landois has worked as a professor, preparator, exhibitions coordinator, grant writer, and community educator.

Desde el sitio del artista:


Julia Barbosa Landois (n. San Antonio, EE. UU.) Es una artista de performance, instalación y video con sede en Houston, TX. Su trabajo ha aparecido en galerías, museos y festivales de espectáculos en los Estados Unidos, América Latina y Europa. Sus premios incluyen subvenciones de Artpace, Artist Foundation of San Antonio y la Asociación Nacional de Artes y Culturas Latinas (NALAC). Ha realizado residencias en Lawndale Art Center, Santa Fe Art Institute, Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (Noruega) y Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Alemania). Además de ser artista de estudio, Barbosa Landois ha trabajado como profesora, preparadora, coordinadora de exposiciones, escritora de subvenciones y educadora comunitaria.

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