Ostraka (bodies straining to see), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (we are too weak for the life
that runs through us), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (a body and nothing more), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (assuming power,) 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (the world won't let me go), 2019 terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (a docile body), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (kicking up dust
that never settles), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (so many ways of forgetting), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Ostraka (cannot resist the curvature
of desire), 2019
terra sigillata, terra cotta
Evelyn Gonzalez is an artist whose practice pairs historical craft research with queer, trans, and feminist theories of materiality and embodiment. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Southwest School of Art in San Antonio, TX, and is the recipient of the Edith McAllister Award. Gonzalez has exhibited at Texas Contemporary in Houston, TX, and in the city-wide exhibition Common Currents in San Antonio.
Evelyn González es una artista cuya práctica combina la investigación artesanal histórica con las teorías queer, trans y feministas de la materialidad y la encarnación. Recibió una licenciatura en Bellas Artes de la Southwest School of Art en San Antonio, TX, y recibió el premio Edith McAllister. González ha expuesto en Texas Contemporary en Houston, TX, y en la exposición Common Currents en toda la ciudad en San Antonio.